Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Climate Change !

Diposting oleh Global Warming di 23.56

climate is the variation in temperature, evaporation, and wind over a certain period in months, even thousands of years. earth climate is strongly influenced by the heat balance on earth by radiation emitted by the sun. from all over the earth radiation, a third reflected back into space by Earth's atmosphere and surface.
Two-thirds of the radiation that is not reflected, the amount of about 240 Watt/m2, absorbed by the earth's surface and atmosphere. To maintain a balance of heat, the earth radiates back to the heat absorbed in the form of short-wave radiation. Some short-wave radiation emitted by Earth is absorbed by certain gases in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases. Furthermore, the greenhouse gases radiate heat back to earth. This mechanism is called the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is what causes the earth's temperature is relatively warm with an average of 14oC, without the greenhouse effect the earth's temperature is only about-19oC.

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